Category Archives: Restoration

October 2019 Family Camp

Thirteen children and guardians arrived on Friday 25th evening at Green Park with the purpose of beautifying the new parkland alongside Whitehouses.  Next morning the weather was not looking good, but the planting of the 2000 snowdrop bulbs started. The bonfire was lit to consume the branches left from the recent adult work party.Sunday proved […]

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CRT Dredging to improve water flow

Good news – the first 4 pictures below show CRT’s dredging of the Wendover Canal on Friday 28/9/2018 near Stablebridge Road, Aston Clinton.  This is in the unnavigable but in-water section of the arm, down which the water from Wendover must flow to reach the reservoirs, pump and main line.This appears to be much more […]

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