Why should I Donate?
Please Donate to support the Wendover Canal, scroll down to find out how! Our volunteers’ time, experience, and commitment come free. But we still have to hire plant, and buy materials. We have raised and spent over £1.5 million, but we still need more funds to finish the job. Much of the money has been legacies, or raised by Trust members. Some funds have been donated by supportive partners such as local Inland Waterway Association Branches and local councils. To help us, please donate to the Wendover Canal Trust.
We have not received any central government grants, and have only recently begun to receive grants from our local councils. Even the money we get back from HMRC under Gift Aid has been paid originally as tax by our donors. So you can rest assured that any money you donate will be used wisely and productively.
Where your donation helps
£5 helps us train our nominated volunteers in First Aid
£20 donated means we can buy and lay 10 concrete blocks (which are used only where essential for the construction, and will be underwater)
£150 donated pays for the hire of an excavator for a day
£450 pays for a metre of canal to be restored
How to donate
If you’re ready to Donate to Support the Wendover Canal, we encourage you to donate through our online membership and payments system:
However if you prefer, there are several other methods:

Donate Direct
To donate using online banking, our details are:
Virgin Money (previously known as Yorkshire Bank), Northampton branch
Account Name/ Name of Payee: Wendover Arm Trust
Account number: 67957123
Sort Code: 05-04-61
Payment reference – please quote your surname and membership number (if applicable)
Type of Account: Business
Donate by Text
In a rush? You can donate any whole pound amount, up to £20 maximum. To donate £3, text WEB3 to 70450. For £10, text WEB10 to 70450. To donate a different sum, put your sum at the end of the word WEB. Texts cost your donated amount, plus one standard rate message.
A text costs your selected donation sum plus one standard rate message, and you will be opting to receive marketing communications via telephone/sms. If you would like to donate, but do not wish to receive marketing communications, add NOINFO to your text. For example, to donate £5 with marketing communication consent text WEB5 to 70450. To donate £5 without marketing communications consent text WEBNOINFO5 to 70450. If your mobile uses the smaller BT/Utility Warehouse network, unfortunately your text donation is likely to fail, in which case you should get a text about this.
Donate by Cheque
Donations made by any of the methods above are much easier for our volunteers to process. If you prefer to send a cheque, you can complete the form below:
Trust Membership
Show your support for the canal restoration and become a member of Wendover Canal Trust, a registered charity. Trust Members can also join our Club 100 lottery, which gives out cash prizes every quarter. To become a member click here .
Raise Funds as you Shop Online
If you shop online, you could help us raise money! We have partnered with Easyfundraising, and if you shop through their sites, online retailers donate every time you shop at NO COST to yourselves. Click here to find out more.