Could you support us with a Memorial Seat? There are now several memorial seats dedicated to past supporters of the trust. We have installed these, along the towpath between Little Tring Bridge and the A41, in the order shown below. Honour the life of a loved one or friend, while offering a lasting public benefit so anyone can take a rest.
When you support us with a memorial seat, Wendover Canal Trust obtains the bench, prepares the base/plinth at the location agreed, and installs it. Typically, a memorial plaque is attached (using vandal resistant fixing) with a dedication of the sponsor’s own choosing.
Details of how you can place commemorative plaques on the wooden footbridges, bridges 4 and 4a can be found here.
Between Little Tring Bridge and Bridge 4

Support us with a Memorial Seat, Pocket Park
The Pocket Park is the area on the offside of the Wendover Canal between Bridge 4 and Whitehouses. It contains 5 benches, of which only the first and last are yet dedicated as shown below.

Bridge 4 to A41