Restoration of Wendover Canal

This page gives an overview of our Restoration of the Wendover Canal, and the benefits which flow from it. Find out about our considerable progress to date, and our objectives over the coming years. The latest details of our restoration work parties are here .

Wendover Canal Map

Map of the Wendover Canal

Restoration Completed (Phase 1)

Grand Union Canal to Little Tring (1997 to 2005) is the 2km length from Bulbourne to Little Tring. We’ve completed this, which has provided full navigation for narrowboats. We funded the reinstatement of a traditional brick-faced bridge at Little Tring. Fortunately only the last quarter-mile section of canal needed to be restored.

Narrow boat under Little Tring Bridge after Phase 1 restoration

Benefits of Wendover Canal Restoration in Progress (Phase 2)

Little Tring to Buckland Wharf (2005 to date) is the 2.5km centre section.  It used to be almost impassable with 6 metre high hawthorn as shown here. Believe it or not, the muddy mess is not the canal bottom! It’s a 30-year-old picture of the path where you can now all walk much more easily. The canal itself should be in the darkness on the right.

This is all now gaining full accessibility, biodiversity and navigation by narrowboats. When we have completed our relining of the canal from Drayton Beauchamp back to the beginning of Phase 1, this will allow narrow boats to reach a new winding hole just the Wendover side of the A41 Aston Clinton bypass bridge numbered 5a. Below are our recent posts about our Restoration progress.

Overgrown unmanaged hawthorn

See how we’re getting on

You can view what we have achieved at any time from the public towpath, above Wilstone Reservoir. There is limited visitor parking in Drayton Beauchamp village (HP22 5LT) although the work is now some distance from here. There is a car park at Wilstone reservoir off Lower Icknield Way (near HP23 4NW), and PE Mead & Sons Farm Shop (HP23 4NT).  You may also find roadside parking around Little Tring bridge (near HP23 4NR), but please be very careful. Or plan a walk from further away.

Do come and see our volunteers in action restoring the canal and don’t be afraid to stop and make yourselves known.  Any of the lads (and lassies) will be only too pleased to stop work and have a chat to explain what is going on and to answer any questions you may have.

Bridge 4 ready for rewatering

Click here for videos including our Restoration.

Future Wendover Canal Restoration (Phase 3)

Buckland to Wendover is the currently-shallow 6.5km western length from Buckland to Wendover. It suffers annually from reed and weed growth to the point where the canal becomes completely blocked, then Canal & River Trust have to clean it out. We think the only long-term solution to this annual problem, will be achieved when we raise funds to dredge the canal to sufficient depth for narrow boats. This increased depth together with the propellors of passing narrow boats, will control the reeds and weeds as it does on the rest of the canal system.

There are also problems with low bridges which will also need fundraising. The old A41 Bridge 6 at Buckland Wharf will need raising, as will a nearby private bridge on Wharf Row numbered 5b. Bridge 9 in Halton Village will also need raising. There is a footbridge known as Oliver’s Bridge (11) near Wendover in poor condition, which will need to be rebuilt. Finally there is a low sewage pipe next to Perch Bridge 10 on Halton Lane.

The entire 11km length of the canal will also, crucially, include restoration of the towpath in order to maximise usage by pedestrians, runners, cyclists and users of smaller craft. It will also include other attractions to encourage people to visit, learn about the canal’s heritage and enjoy the surrounding environment.

Now click here to read about our next Key Benefit, Biodiversity…

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