Key Benefits

Read about the Key Benefits that flow from bringing the Wendover Canal to life, by the volunteers of the Wendover Canal Trust…

Wendover Canal Key Benefits 1: Restoration

Volunteers restoring the Wendover Canal

Click here for an introduction to our canal Restoration, or click here for details including our work party dates.

Wendover Canal Key Benefit 2: Biodiversity

A beautiful butterfly as an example of Biodiversity

Click here to read about how all we do drives Biodiversity Net Gain and improves the environment.

Wendover Canal Benefit 3: Well-being

A beautiful restored section of canal

Many find that visiting canals boosts their Well-being, click here to find out more.

Wendover Canal Benefit 4: Heritage

A narrow boat under Little Tring Bridge, which we had built with Heritage appearance

Click here to read about the Heritage of our canal.

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