Christmas Present Idea ?
Still struggling for ideas for a Christmas / New Year present? Well we’ve still got some WCT 2024 calendars left that make the ideal present.
Still struggling for ideas for a Christmas / New Year present? Well we’ve still got some WCT 2024 calendars left that make the ideal present.
During the December Tidy Friday event, a further 180 tree whips were planted on the land adjacent to the winding hole….
Next WCT newsletter due early 2024. It’s not too late to send a contribution: (article, letter, anecdote, question) to go into the edition…
A recording of WCT Chairman, Clive Johnson and WCT Partnerships Director, Peter Elwin; in conversation with Leslie Tate on Radio Dacorum…
Local Scouts offered assistance with our annual planting of trees. These are supplied free of charge to charities to increase biodiversity…
We are delighted to announce that upgrade of the 1.7mile (2.7km) canal towpath between Wendover and Halton has now been completed…..
The Towpath Upgrade from Perch Bridge to Halton has been progressing nicely. The whole section opening up to Public access in a few more days….
Add the date in your diary, The Wendover Canal Trust will feature on Radio Dacorum, from 8pm to 9pm on Wednesday December 6…
Report of the Chiltern Society Heritage Walk along the Wendover Canal towpath and Whitehouses Pocket Park..
Are you a Winner ??? The WCT Club 100 draw was made at the WCT AGM, and the Lucky Winners have been announced…