September 2020: Brickwork at Bridge 4 and Whitehouses
Here is Tony Bardwell’s report of another successful 2 week work party, building with blocks and bricks at Bridge 4 and Whitehouses:
Here is Tony Bardwell’s report of another successful 2 week work party, building with blocks and bricks at Bridge 4 and Whitehouses:
We’ve been doing an extended 2 week work party while it’s almost dry, though for the first few days it’s been too hot for comfort. Tony Borrill supplied the first picture of construction under way at Bridge 4, while Steve Bonser sent the other 3 pictures of ready-mix being delivered and laid to complete the […]
We have recently heard of the death of Peggy Batchelor. Peggy was 103 years old when she died and was still helping at our events and the big festivals we had until her late eighties – usually on a stall selling raffle tickets. An obituary will appear in the next newsletter.
This is a call for brick and block work volunteers, please email if you can help. We have been able to start work on the walls at Bridge 4 including where the stop plank channels are mounted. The block work is done but the brick work still needs to be finished. We have volunteers […]
We have rarely said enough about the environmental benefits of our restoration of the Wendover Canal. One of our volunteers Tony Borrill said this, and supplied these pictures: “The English countryside is full of amazing butterflies. Wandering down the canal today I counted 44 butterflies in 15 minutes including the Gatekeeper, Brimstone, Meadow Brown and […]
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The first three pictures below show our first day back, by Steve Bonser. Chris Sargeant took 2 more today (Tuesday).
Our section of the Grand Union Canal (including Tringford Pumping Station) featured on BBC1’s Countryfile programme on July 5th 2020
BBC1’s Countryfile programme recently filmed on our section of the Grand Union Canal, including Tringford Pumping Station. We were disappointed not to be involved, but are keen to see the result. I (your webmaster) have discovered that the resulting programme will be shown on BBC1 on Sunday July 5th 5.35pm-6.35pm. I have also collated some […]
Date: Wednesday 16th September 10.00am – 3.30pmThis free training will focus on principles of ecological surveying, environmental appraisals, legislation and protected species. The afternoon will include a visit where we will conduct a site walkover survey along the Wendover Canal to put the morning’s learning into practice. Course limited to 8 people. The workshop will be run […]