Category Archives: Announcement

Arise Sir David!

We can all share in the pride and esteem in the news of our Patron David Suchet receiving a well earned knighthood in the recent Royal Birthday Honours list. Sir David is no stranger to the Wendover Arm Trust, having supported us for many years. In another ‘first’ he was aboard the first boat to go […]

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RIP Peggy Batchelor

We have recently heard of the death of Peggy Batchelor.  Peggy was 103 years old when she died and was still helping at our events and the big festivals we had until her late eighties – usually on a stall selling raffle tickets.  An obituary will appear in the next newsletter.

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Grand Union Canal to be on Countryfile

BBC1’s Countryfile programme recently filmed on our section of the Grand Union Canal, including Tringford Pumping Station.  We were disappointed not to be involved, but are keen to see the result.  I (your webmaster) have discovered that the resulting programme will be shown on BBC1 on Sunday July 5th 5.35pm-6.35pm.  I have also collated some […]

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Press Release – Roger Leishman

We wish to announce that as of April 30th 2019 and following his 87th birthday, Wendover Arm Trust’s Restoration Director Roger Leishman is stepping down from this role.  Roger has devoted 24 years to the restoration project, a truly immense contribution.Roger, who joined in 1995, faced a seemingly impossible task, as the canal had been […]

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Lord Lieutenant of Herts visit

Wendover Arm Trust were delighted to welcome Countess Verulam, Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire and Deputy Lieutenant Derek Townsend to see restoration progress and meet volunteers on September 6th 2016 Lady Verulam joined us at Bulbourne and was able to see the current navigable section of the Arm to Little Tring from the water on n/b […]

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