Contact Us

Contact Wendover Canal Trust with your suggestions to improve our website, or if you want to get involved. Or anything else related to the Wendover Canal or the Wendover Canal Trust. Use this form (or email addresses or phone number below) to contact the Wendover Canal Trust.

The only exception to this, is if you want to report something wrong with the parts of the Wendover Canal where we are not currently working. Namely, the navigable section from Bulbourne to the Little Tring winding hole, or the section in low water from Wendover to Drayton Beauchamp. For any issues in these sections, we recommend that you contact the Canal and River Trust, by emailing . The Canal and River Trust manage most of the canals in England and Wales, but they have limited funding, and we exist to add what they can’t afford.

If you would like to email us, click on a link below, or call us on 07547 181857.

To volunteer –

Chairman and Talks –

Restoration/Operations –

Partnerships –

Donations –

Membership –

Newsletter –

Events  –

Website and anything else  –

Your support will be appreciated >>>