Tringford Pumping Station Open Day

Wendover Arm Trust with the kind cooperation of CRT  held their first ever Open Day at the newly renovated Tringford Pumping Station on Sunday July 23rd 2017 with more than 200 visitors.

Guided Tours of the pumping station attracted huge interest all day and we were pleased to welcome the historic wooden coal carrier ROGER which was moored adjacent to the pumping station site.  ROGER was built nearby in 1935/36 at Bushells boat yard which used to be where Heygates is today.

Pictures of our Restoration Director Roger Leishman and his wife Margaret alongside ​his namesake vessel are included below.

We were also pleased to welcome Freya Clark, Miss Junior Teen Dacorum who volunteered to help with refreshments during the afternoon – she will be competing for Miss Junior Teen UK in October in Blackpool.

Your support will be appreciated >>>